PRSSA and Bradley PR


I am a member of PRSSA, Public Relations Student Society of America.

A team of students and I established a communications campaign to promote a developing BYU club U.P., Understanding Pornography. The opening event for the rebranded club sponsored Fight the New Drug, a nationally recognized organization taking an academic approach to understanding the detriments of pornography.

Flyer for the event.
Flyer for the event. 

Press Release for the event:

For Immediate Release
October 22, 2012

Contact Information:
Tanner Pearson
(603) 493-5074


PROVO, October 22, 2012—At 4p.m. on November 8th in the JSB Auditorium, U.P. will present the first discussion to stop the one-year silence about a taboo topic on campus; pornography.

U.P., Understanding Pornography, is a BYU student-run club led by Ryan Spille, a student majoring in Psychology. Two years ago, this club was known as S.T.O.P.-Students that Oppose Pornography. It originated to help students come to understand the harmful effects of pornography. However, the club had a difficulty getting off the ground.

Spille recently with a group of twenty peers, revived the old BYU club to help fellow students become more educated regarding the commonality of pornography and how to lend support to those in need.

“I think most people that go to BYU already know you shouldn’t look at pornography,” Spille said. “So we didn’t just want to restart up a club that went around telling people to stop looking at it.”

Instead, the club plans to take a new approach using research to address this issue.

“The field of neuroscience is a field that’s on the verge of some major breakthroughs,” Spille said. “There’s still a lot to learn in this field, but the purpose of U.P. is primarily to educate and to encourage further research in this field.”

The kick-off meeting will host a global, non-profit organization Fight the New Drug (FTND). For the past four years, FTND has outreached to individuals all over the country regarding the new research done emphasizing the harmful effects of pornography. This club has received national and international recognition for their efforts. Just last week they were featured on ABC Nightline News. Although they have traveled around the country, this will be the first time FTND addresses BYU’s campus.

When asked what it was like to be a member, Vice President Betze Halasima said it was empowering.

“I have always wanted to do something about pornography,” Halasima said. “I have always felt helpless not knowing what I could do to get involved.”

Halasima began her fight against pornography by joining FTND. She then teamed up with Spille to establish a group similar in purpose located on campus to educate students about pornography because everyone is involved, not just the abuser.

To inform students about this kick-off meeting, U.P. will advertise the week of October 31st-November 7th, the same week as WRAP week—White Ribbon Against Pornography.  In order to attract students to come to the meeting, white ribbons, flyers and other promotional efforts will cover campus’ newsfeed to encourage students to attend the meeting.


*U.P. (Understanding Pornography) A small group of students and I recently created a campaign to rebrand and develop this BYU club, to further the efforts of a nationally and internationally esteemed non-profit organization combatting pornography, Fight the New Drug.

Bradley Public Relations:

I am a member of Bradley Public Relations, a student firm at BYU.

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